Category: Politics

Ode on Hillary in Bosnia

A humorous poem by Orson Scott Card (I got a kick out of it): Ode on Hillary in Bosnia by Orson Scott Card “We landed under sniper fire! We ran for cover, terrified! The bullets flew around my head! I thought for sure that I was dead!”

The Fear Epidemic

Fear is destroying our lives. There are some who say that money is the root of all evil.  If that is true, fear plays a close second fiddle. It’s crushing our society, our children, and our families. It’s one of the most debilitating problems in the 21st century. There are many who would argue that…
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Card supports….

Orson Scott Card (who, if you count the number of blog postings I have on an individual, one might assume is my hero) has published an article indicating his support for Barack Obama… in the Democratic nomination. Ok, so he doesn’t really say that he supports Obama.  However, he very much defends Obama’s handling of…
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Obama – why do I like this guy?

Why do I like Barack Obama even though I disagree with most of what he proposes?  His speech on race was amazing. [youtube pWe7wTVbLUU] If I use logic, then there is no way I would vote for this guy.  I disagree with most of his policies.   I especially don’t know if I could vote…
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Conversing with me

A friend of mine recently posted a blog entry entitled “Conversating” that listed several questions/topics one could discuss with someone else in order to get to know them better.  Seeing as I like to make your life miserable in the 21st century, I decided that I would answer those questions so you could all get…
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Life After People – The History Channel

While flipping through channels today, I noticed a miniseries by The History Channel called “Life After People.”  They had been running some ads over the past several weeks with an interesting line that went something like this… Welcome to Earth: Population 0. It intrigued me and so I flipped to it. After just a few…
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Utah Legislature Bigotry

A new law is currently being pushed through the Utah Legislature that will seriously hurt the people of the State of Utah. Among other things, SB81 would make it illegal for an employer to fire a citizen if an undocumented worker is performing the same responsibilities.  WOW!  Let’s all say it together — discrimination! I’m…
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Card pleads with Romney over illegal immigration

Orson Scott Card has once again posted an opinion on the 2008 presidential race.  Although Card indicates that the war is still one of the major priorities of this election, he speaks mostly concerning “illegal” immigration.  The portion that really jumped out at me was the following (penned before the New Hampshire primaries).

Democracy, the best revenge

The recent assassination of Benazir Bhutto proved the volatility of young democracies. Two things have shown bright through this tragedy: 1) Americans should have a greater appreciation for the civility with which our political process is conducted. We often complain (me being the first) about the lack of true communication, abundance of hypocritical rhetoric and…
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Nobel Peace Prize goes to Al Gore???

I subscribe to CNN’s “Breaking News” email alerts. This morning, I was “alerted” to the fact that Al Gore was just awarded the Nobel Peace Prize along with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Can someone please explain this one to me? What does Climate Change have to do with peace? Am I misunderstanding the…
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