Category: Society

Why are women less happy?

A recent study by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that women are less happy now than in the 1970’s, when a similar study was conducted. Not only did the subjective happiness of women decrease absolutely but also relative to men. There are several theories as to why. Some guess that the women’s movement…
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“Evil” areas of the United States

Have you ever wondered where the “worst” areas of the country are? So did the Kansas State University Geography Department. So they mapped it out. They looked at each of the “seven deadly sins” and plotted the highest and lowest concentrations of each.  The breakdown of their methodologies of calculations:

21 Suggestions for Success

A friend of mine tipped me off to these suggestions, but they are both profound and simple: 1. Marry the right person. This one decision will determine 90% of your happiness or misery. 2. Work at something you enjoy and that’s worthy of your time and talent. 3. Give people more than they expect and…
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The Budget Balance

Wow!  Scary. (thanks Greg Mankiw)

IED Up Close

Have you ever wondered what it is like for the military?  Day in and day out, they face the possiblity of death, while we live relatively peaceful lives back in the good ol’ homefront. It’s rare that we get a glimpse at what happends in the battlefield.  He’s an oportunity to see an IED (Improvised…
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Although the below video is geared toward Catholics (from, I think it is very relevant to all of us.  It’s only 3 1/2 minutes long so watch it. [youtube 61wj4tJICcc] Remember if you can’t see the video, view the full post here.

Happy Halloween!

A little political humor to scare you (not literally of course).

Presidential Economics

In recent months, as the economy has taken first stage, I’ve started following a few economist’s blogs (never thought I would ever say that).  Greg Mankiw is a Harvard Economics professor and surely leans right as he has been an economic adviser to President Bush and John McCain.  The other, who leans only slightly left,…
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If only all politics could be like this

Wouldn’t it be great if all politics could be this light-hearted. Part I [youtube Goaj5V4tZoc] Part II [youtube mrqoSyKsAPw] Part III [youtube NXKaAQ-6BiU] Part IV [youtube QkBQf4FJi-o]

Bad Patriotism

Just a few days after my recent post on True Patriotism, I found this article from The Philadelphia Inquirer. This guy is a prime example of “Bad Patriotism.” He claims that because America has “sinned,” we shouldn’t celebrate Independence Day. Put the fireworks in storage. Cancel the parade. Tuck the soaring speeches in a drawer…
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