Category: Society

Underpaid mothers

At first, this article made me laugh. But as I continued to read, I realized how very serious they were.  Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t laugh because I think mothers aren’t worth that. The article indicates that if a mother were to get paid for the many roles she plays at home, she would…
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Immigration Protest

As much as I agree with Zac, I don’t know that the answer is to just send them all back and make them come here legally. As I mentioned in a previous post, I’m not sure I would act any differently given some of their circumstances. As much respect as I have for the law,…
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Global Warming — Fact or Fiction?

So I learned something the other day. For the last several decades (more so in the 1980’s than in the last 16 years), we have heard warnings and cautions from scientists and environmental groups about global warming and the affects humans have on the environment. The other day, however, I read several articles. The most…
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Forced Advertising — Copyright and Patent Laws

According to this CNET news article: An invention from Royal Philips Electronics prevents TV viewers from switching the channel during commercials or fast-forwarding past commercials when watching DVR content. Can you believe it? This would make it impossible to change the channel during a commercial. How crazy is that?

O, Canada… and the US Healthcare Crisis

Sometimes I wish I live in Canada. My employer is rolling out changes to our healthcare plan. “You now have more options,” they say. Which of course, we do. What they don’t tell you up front is that 2 of the 3 plans will cost you more than you are currently paying on a monthly…
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Immigration Debate

So my brother over at Political and Philosophic Ponderings poses an interesting question: Are Latin American Immigrants Liberal or Conservative? He points out that morally speaking, they align more with conservative thought. But the Republican Party doesn’t appear to realize this huge potential voting resource. Instead, they ostracize them because they can’t look past the…
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Iraq — should we stay or should we go

So I recently read an article from Orson Scott Card that I completely agree with.  Others might find it enlightening or perhaps maddening: