Category: Society

Empathy Deficit Disorder and shifting the blame

Some that know me well (especially my wife) can attest to the fact that I don’t have a great deal of patience in showing empathy or sympathy (yes, there is a difference). So when I saw this article from CNN about EDD (Empathy Deficit Disorder), I finally realized that I can’t help it either. I’m…
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True Patriotism

The Centrist recently sent me an article from Time Magazine titled “The State of Patriotism” by Peter Beinart.  The article details the differences between the conservative style of patriotism and the liberal philosophy. Beinart did a good job of keeping to the issue and not leaning to one side or the other.  As he indicates,…
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Book Review: Pastwatch by OSC

Some books are great because of the characters. Others are great because of the cool adventure or through fun mystery. And still others which amaze the mind through great concepts. There are few authors who successfully combine all these elements into a single novel as well as Orson Scott Card. He pulls it off again…
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The Refiner’s Fire

There are tragedies in this world that nobody ever expects will happen to them.  It’s always someone else that experiences tragedy.  Yesterday, tragedy hit far too close to home.  My sister-in-law, Liz, and her husband, Zac, just experienced one of the most difficult tragedies.  They lost their little baby before they even got to experience…
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NASA triumph!

When Dwight D Eisenhower signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act, in 1958, I wonder if he had any inkling of what kind of an impact that action would have on the world. Not only did the act create the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), but also DARPA (Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency). DARPA…
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$112 billion for single parents

A recent study indicates that American taxpayers spend $112 billion a year on assistance to single parents and divorces.  Wow! That’s a lot of money.  Should we eliminate assistance for single mothers?  No, that would be seriously stupid.  But the assistance needs to be much better managed.  Some responsibility needs to go along with it.…
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Ode on Hillary in Bosnia

A humorous poem by Orson Scott Card (I got a kick out of it): Ode on Hillary in Bosnia by Orson Scott Card “We landed under sniper fire! We ran for cover, terrified! The bullets flew around my head! I thought for sure that I was dead!”

The Fear Epidemic

Fear is destroying our lives. There are some who say that money is the root of all evil.  If that is true, fear plays a close second fiddle. It’s crushing our society, our children, and our families. It’s one of the most debilitating problems in the 21st century. There are many who would argue that…
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Card supports….

Orson Scott Card (who, if you count the number of blog postings I have on an individual, one might assume is my hero) has published an article indicating his support for Barack Obama… in the Democratic nomination. Ok, so he doesn’t really say that he supports Obama.  However, he very much defends Obama’s handling of…
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Obama – why do I like this guy?

Why do I like Barack Obama even though I disagree with most of what he proposes?  His speech on race was amazing. [youtube pWe7wTVbLUU] If I use logic, then there is no way I would vote for this guy.  I disagree with most of his policies.   I especially don’t know if I could vote…
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