Category: Society

What to teach your kids — that they aren’t learning in school

I recently started following a blog from a 19-yr old Entrepreneur, Ben Casnocha. A recent post struck me as quite insightful. Ben outlines 8 things that you need to teach your kids that they most likely are not learning in high school. These are things that not only help them in higher education, but also…
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“Fat Tax” could save 3200 lives a year

A study coming from Oxford University is proposing a 17.5% “Fat Tax” to curb demand for sugary and unhealthy foods. The researchers claim that such a steep tax would reduce demand for these products and in turn save lives… an estimated 3200 lives a year. In addition, those who do ignore the tax will be…
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Only in Utah

So in Utah, we deal with some interesting quirks in the culture. Here’s something you would never hear on the radio anywhere but Utah. [audio:ksfioops.mp3] Apparently, she was hopped up on Nyquil or something similar. Note: If you can’t see a flash applet to play some audio, visit the original post to listen.

US Military so hard-nosed

For those of you who think the US military is so hard-nosed and withdrawn and that they don’t care about the soldiers who are dying in Iraq should read this article in full. It’s about a commander in Iraq who keeps laminated “cards” of each of the men/boys who have died under his command. While…
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Black boxes for cars

Most of us are aware of the black boxes in airplanes. They read the plane’s computers and records all kinds of information in case of a crash. These devices also record sound from the cock-pit to assist investigators after a plane crash.

The beginning to the end of DRM?

For the first time ever, a major recording label has signed a deal with Apple iTunes Store to sell DRM-free digital music, although at a higher price. EMI holds the rights to many top recording artists including The Beatles. This is the first time a major recording label has agreed to sell digital music without…
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Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone! Check the Wikipedia Easter article for some interesting information (with which I wasn’t all too familiar) on Easter. Sample interesting facts: The word “Easter” actually comes from the name of an Anglo-Saxon goddess, Eostre. There were excommunications in the very early catholic church (pre-Nicaean Council) over calculating the date of Easter. In…
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OSC’s Afterword to Empire

The audio version of Orson Scott Card’s latest book, “Empire” (reviewed here) contained an afterward where a lot of what he said really hit me as just common sense. But how he phrased it needs to be heard by any and all involved in politics. From the top level “Right wing crazies” and the “Leftist…
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Stealing from the government

A quote from Benjamin Franklin sparked my curiosity on the amount of people who feel it’s OK to “steal” from the government. There is no kind of dishonesty into which otherwise good people more easily and frequently fall than that of defrauding the government So I entered the following search into Google: “statistics cheating taxes”.…
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I need to enter rehab

It seems as if entering rehab is the cool thing to do these days. And it’s not just for drug/alcohol addiction anymore. Mel Gibson entered rehab for his anti-semitic comments to a cop when he was drunk. So rather than focusing on rehab for his alcoholism, he is going to rehab to also deal with…
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