Category: Gadgets

Update on iPhone voice-dialing

I recently posted about an iPhone App from Fonix for handling voice-dialing with the iPhone.  The app still isn’t out, but Fonix recently released a demo video of the application. Check it out: [youtube 4oFRYQjyIWg] It looks great.  My only remaining issue is initiating a voice command.  It appears I will still need to be…
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Bionic Eye Anyone?

You know you’ve dreamed about it.  You want a bionic eye.  Everyone does.  Since you were a kid watching The Six Mission Dollar Man, you’ve dreamed of the day when bionics could become a reality.  Most of the bionic parts of Steve Austin already exist in some form (although not usually exceptionally powerful).  But the…
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High Definition DVD – is it ready for you?

Perhaps you’ve heard of Blu-ray and HD-DVD. Bly-ray and HD-DVD are competing technologies for the next generation in home video. The video and audio coming from these technologies is incredible. Can you tell the difference… nope. They are pretty much the same. And as home video tech goes, welcome to the latest format war.

iPhone Review

As I mentioned before, I succumbed to the seduction that is the Apple iPhone. Two coworkers purchased it the day it was released and I promptly began drooling over the device. The beauty of the screen and the ease of the interface lured me to it. I couldn’t help myself and visited the AT&T store…
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It’s iPhone Enabled! is now iPhone enabled! What does that mean? Well, that means when I visit the site on my new iPhone (yes, I gave in to the Apple seduction), the site appears in a nice iPhone friendly style. No sidebar or bulky navigation. A simple and clean interface. But that doesn’t mean that the rest…
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The ultimate hybrid gadget

Samsung recently announced the future launch of a pretty amazing product, the Samsung SPH-P9000.  Sporting itself as a PDA, laptop, cell phone and media center all in one gadget, it looks like it’s getting pretty close to the ultimate hybrid. This thing is about the size of a large PDA (think Apple Newton size —…
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The power of suggestion

Recently, I’ve been frequenting for all my electronics/gadget needs. I used to be a huge fan of, but TigerDirect seems to usually beat’s price. There is occasion when I still purchase from if the free shipping will compensate for the higher price. One of the features that I really missed from…
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The truth about the Buffalo LinkStation

In trying to recover the data I killed when doing my brilliant work detailed in my last post, I remembered by LinkStation. So about 1.5 – 2 years ago, I purchased a Buffalo LinkStation Within a few months, the thing stopped working. It just wouldn’t respond when I booted it up. Lights would flash and…
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Tips when reinstalling Windows

1. DON’T LEAVE YOUR USB DRIVE PLUGGED IN WHEN REINSTALLING A SYSTEM WITH WHICH YOU ARE UNFAMILIAR Yeah… that was yelling. Really at myself, not at you. So my brother-in-law brings his laptop to my house to wipe it out, reformat and reinstall Windows XP. No biggy, right. So we plug in my USB Hard…
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