Category: Personal

The Fear Epidemic

Fear is destroying our lives. There are some who say that money is the root of all evil.  If that is true, fear plays a close second fiddle. It’s crushing our society, our children, and our families. It’s one of the most debilitating problems in the 21st century. There are many who would argue that…
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Proud moment

Except from today’s chat with my wife: 11:07:13 AM Emily: lol…Halie was just watching Modern Marvels and she wouldn’t let me change the channel 11:07:29 AM Emily: they were showing how corn is made I almost shed a tear of joy… sniff, sniff. That’s my girl!

Conversing with me

A friend of mine recently posted a blog entry entitled “Conversating” that listed several questions/topics one could discuss with someone else in order to get to know them better.  Seeing as I like to make your life miserable in the 21st century, I decided that I would answer those questions so you could all get…
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iPhone scriptures (and more)

I’ve reviewed the iPhone in the past and although I love the device, it has it’s problems and I have my pet peeves.  One of the cons I mentioned in my review was a lack of third-party applictions.  And although I am waiting with baited breath for the iPhone SDK (promised by end of February),…
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Life After People – The History Channel

While flipping through channels today, I noticed a miniseries by The History Channel called “Life After People.”  They had been running some ads over the past several weeks with an interesting line that went something like this… Welcome to Earth: Population 0. It intrigued me and so I flipped to it. After just a few…
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Joe’s Goals — Keep your resolutions

So in the spirit of the New Year and setting New Year Resolutions, I figured I needed something to help me track and keep my resolutions. I first had the idea to build something simply myself. An online application I could use personally and perhaps expand in the future for other’s use. Of course, when…
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Where is the world is Santa?

Ever wanted to know exactly where Santa is on Christmas Eve? Well, usually you would have to wait for the news or something similar. But this year, the traditional Santa trackers (NORAD) and Google have teamed up to give you the best way to track Santa. Santa can now be tracked through Google Earth. If…
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More Pix of Jaxon

As promised, I’ve uploaded more pictures of Jaxon. You can find them here or by clicking the image below.

Personal communication with today’s technology

A while back, I read an article about how todays technology, meant to bring people together across great distances, is actually destroying personal communication. It gave 7 reasons “the 21st Century is Making You Miserable.” I’ll link to the original article at the bottom, but be warned, it has some inappropriate language and content. But…
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Jaxon is home!!!!

Oh yeah! The boy is home and we are excited. Emily is a little concerned about dealing with a “preemie,” but the doctors and nurses assured us to treat him just like any other newborn. We’ll be posting more pictures soon and we might even get some small video clips up as well.