Immigration Protest
As much as I agree with Zac, I don’t know that the answer is to just send them all back and make them come here legally. As I mentioned in a previous post, I’m not sure I would act any differently given some of their circumstances.
As much respect as I have for the law, in this instance, the law is wrong… or at least not open enough.
But I do agree with Zac that the protestors are going about this all wrong. Mexican flags and chants in Spanish are not a sign of wanting to be American. It’s actually quite devisive. If you are in a country and your protest is all about wanting to stay in that country, then support that country. Show you’re willing to give up a little bit of your nationalism in order to stay in the country.
One Response
Agreed. I think what’s worse is that they are trying to obfuscate the issue by linking all immigrants together, legal and illegal. No one is opposed legal immigrants, which should be obvious.